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A lifelong resident of WI, I am continuously amazed at all the great things WI has to offer. Now much of what I see and learn is through the eyes of my young boys as they navigate life. These musings will shed light on WI places, happenings, events, products, etc. seen through our eyes, and maybe an occasional note on life raising boys in general!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Be inspired to read with your child!

My oldest son is in 1st grade.  Thankfully he loves reading so much, getting him to settle down and read with us each night is a breeze, and we, as a family really get into it.  Just after school started this year Ben's teacher sent this home in his folder, and I wanted to share it.  Author is Ann Scarpellino.

Ten Reasons to Read to your Child

1.  Because when you hold then and give them this attention, they will know you love them.
2.  Because reading to them will encourage them to become readers.
3.  Because children's books today are so good that they are fun even for adults!
4.  Children's book illustrations often rank with the best, giving them a lifelong feeling for good art.
5.  Books are one way of passing on your moral values to them.  Readers know how to put themselves in another's shoes.
6.  Because, until they learn to read themselves, they will think you are magic.
7.  Because every teacher and librarian they ever encounter will thank you.
8.  Because it's nostalgic.
9.  Because, for that short space of time, they will stay clean and quiet.
10.  Because, if you do, they may then let you read in peace.

Enjoy a little reading tonight!