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A lifelong resident of WI, I am continuously amazed at all the great things WI has to offer. Now much of what I see and learn is through the eyes of my young boys as they navigate life. These musings will shed light on WI places, happenings, events, products, etc. seen through our eyes, and maybe an occasional note on life raising boys in general!

Monday, November 8, 2010

L'Bri Pure 'N Natural

As the cold, dry air rolls in and the intense handwashing commences, it's time to give a big shout out to the absolute best products you could put on your skin!  L'Bri Pure 'N Natural produces all natural, Aloe based skincare that is free of dyes, fragrances, oils and additives/preservatives, and works wonders for any skin type!  I have been using these products for 8 years, and have been helping other people have healthy skin with L'Bri for 7 years.  Many of my customers were long time users of other product lines who swore they would never change, but after reluctantly trudging along to a friend's L'Bri party, changed their minds on the spot!  I invite you to explore what L'Bri has to offer at my personal website,  Feel free to contact me with questions.....Try L'Bri, for a lifetime of beautiful skin!

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